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 1. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 5: Tending the Scattered  Coastlands 
 2. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 2: Fighting for Others  The Coastlands weekend podcast 
 3. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 4: Mending the Menders  Coastlands 
 4. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 6: Declaring God's Purposes  Coastlands 
 5. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 3: Rebuilding With Courage  The Coastlands - Aptos Foursquare Church 
 6. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 1: Remembering God's Heart  The Coastlands Weekly Service 
 7. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 6 Continued: Declaring God's Purposes  Coastlands 
 8. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 4 Continued: Mending the Menders  Coastlands 
 9. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 3 Continued: Rebuilding With Courage  Coastlands 
 10. Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D.  Highly Effective Discipleship - Part 1 Continued: Remembering God's Heart  Coastlands 
 11. Dr. Dennis O'Grady  7 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators  JobDig 
 12. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf  Seven Steps Of Highly Effective Muslims  Seven Steps of Highly Effective Muslims 
 13. Sean Martinson  6 Criteria for a Highly Effective Website  Technology4Teachers Podcast 
 14. Dr. Dennis O'Grady  7 Habits of Highly Effective Communicators  JobDig 
 15. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf  Seven Steps Of Highly Effective Muslims  Seven Steps of Highly Effective Muslims 
 16. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf  Seven Steps Of Highly Effective Muslims  Seven Steps of Highly Effective Muslims 
 17. Shaykh Hamza Yusuf  Seven Steps Of Highly Effective Muslims  Seven Steps of Highly Effective Muslims 
 18. ZDNet.com  MIT CIO Session 3 - The Habits of Highly Effective IT Leaders  MIT CIO Sessions 
 19. ZDNet.com  MIT CIO Session 3 - The Habits of Highly Effective IT Leaders  MIT CIO Sessions 
 20. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  5 Traits of Highly Effective Christians: Passionate Prayer  http://faithcommunity.net 
 21. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  5 Traits of Highly Effective Christians: A Servant's Heart  http://faithcommunity.net 
 22. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  The 5 Traits Of A Highly Effective Christian ; A Biblical Mindset  http://faithcommunity.net 
 23. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  5 Traits Of Highly Effective Christians: Worship From The Heart  http://faithcommunity.net 
 24. Paul Stanley  Discipleship In The 90's - Part 2  Discipleship In The 90's 
 25. Paul Stanley  Discipleship In The 90's - Part 3  Discipleship In The 90's 
 26. Paul Stanley  Discipleship In The 90's - Part 1  Discipleship In The 90's 
 27. Howard Hendricks  Dynamics Of Discipleship - Part 3  Dynamics Of Discipleship - II 
 28. Fred Allen  Discipleship 7 - Intro - Part 3 of 3  LSBT Discipleship 7 
 29. Howard Hendricks  Dynamics Of Discipleship - Part 1  Dynamics Of Discipleship - II 
 30. Howard Hendricks  Dynamics Of Discipleship - Part 2  Dynamics Of Discipleship - II 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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